Enter Donald Trump

I voted for Trump on Tuesday. Moving from Bernie to Trump does not seem incongruous because in the issues that matter the most to me, such as trade and foreign policy, Trump is much closer to Bernie’s position than Hillary ever was.

Hillary is the last candidate of the neo-liberal current in the Democratic party. The Democratic neo-libs can also be called Phonies and DINO. Carter was the last president of the FDR/LBJ Democrats. Bill Clinton launched globalization – I remember him talking about the New World Order around 1994. He was the first president after the demise of the USSR and with no more fear of Communism, he served as an agent of the capital elites bent on erasing borders and creating a capitalist global economy. Since Bill Clinton, Bush II and Obama both followed the same path with some distinct touches to remind us of their partisan label and maintain the illusion of two opposing parties; in fact it is the Establishment that governs.

Obamacare is a partisan label. It is a form of ineffective healthcare reform – it lacks a public option and that is a terminal flaw. But the long debate over it served and still serves to remind us that Reps and Dems are somewhat different.

I believe that the last time we had and election where two truly opposite philosophies collided was in November 1979. In less than 40 years since, the American middle and working classes has been harmed tremendously while the extremely wealthy became super extremely wealthy. Notice that Obama was quick in crushing Occupy Wall Street.

The Democratic neo-libs have garnished their push toward globalization with a layer of guilt on the white majority on both the US and Western Europe. They have allowed in millions of non whites to reinforce the idea of the “global village”. European leaders quickly jumped on the globalization bandwagon, following Washington’s lead. UK PM Tony Blair, another neo-lib, once boasted that under his tenure London had become a metropolis where 200 languages were spoken. Destroying national identity and culture by dilution with immigrants from incompatible cultures who do not assimilate serves to eliminate the sense of nationhood. No nation = no tariffs = more profits for the elites.

Merkel has brought into Germany a million Muslims to make Germany less German; not because she cares about Syrians or Afghans. Same goes for Hollande in France, Renzi in Italy, etc.

What will Trump do? We will see. I am certain the Establishment is already at work to tame him.

The Gay Campaign of Bernie 2016 (La Campagne Drôle)

I am entitled to some plain language here: After all I maxed out in my contributions to Bernie 2016.

Bernie stressed on issues but failed to connect Hillary to those issues. How can you run an effective ad against TPP without mentioning that Clinton was who – as Secretary of State – WROTE the damn treaty?

Bernie has been stepping on eggs from day 1. He should have been a pit bull in those debates. Did he really mean to win the nomination? I am beginning to wonder now.

Bernie called Hillary “disingenuous” repeatedly. Why not hypocrite? Why not opportunistic? Bernie has been doing this campaign like the French fought in 1940: La Guerre Drôle. Hillary Clinton is a natural liar and should have been exposed as such.

For all practical purposes, the Bernie campaign has ceased to fight for the nomination although he still claims he is trying to win and continues to ask for money. He is attacking anybody but Clinton. Obviously he has folded and now they all are looking to unite the democrats against Trump.

The problem I have with this is the following: When I stack Clinton against Trump, she has started 2 wars (Syria and Libya both in 2011 while Secretary of State) against Trump 0. She is pro-trade and globalization whereas Trump believes trade agreements have destroyed American industry and put the American Middle Class in the poor house.

So Trump has a problem with Muslims? So do I for that matter as long as they come around putting bombs and killing civilians.

I don’t think that just Black Lives Matter. I think all lives matter.

I was never a party robot. I vote on the merits and programs of candidates. Obama fooled me in 2008 – he is just a pseudo Democrat and has wrecked the ideological foundation of the Democratic Party. That is why we Democrats have lost both chambers and so many states; people just quit believing. When defending principles and ideals, being a “moderate” is paramount to betrayal.

I was asked to become a delegate for Bernie. I refused 48 hours ago. I refuse to be part of the charade in Philly in July.

Hillary is a Chamaleon

Chamaleons change their skin color to blend with the surface they stand on. They can go from green to brown (or viceversa) in seconds.

Hillary Clinton supported TPP and TTIP (The Asia and Europe Free Trade Agreements, respectively, that Obama has been pushing through,with their contents kept secret from the public) as Secretary of State and after. Then, under attack from Bernie, she switched to a NO position about two months ago. But have no doubt she will reverse to YES if nominated, when it becomes convenient. I am certain she will claim to have “reconsidered”.

TPP and TTIP will further decimate American manufacturing, deplete good paying jobs, and thin labot unions. They will increase the GDP with the money going to the multinational corporations and the 1%.

We all know HRC is the favorite puppet of Wall Street. As Bernie Sanders put it, “She talks to Wall Street in the morning and to labor unions in the afternoon.” She is an uprincipled opportunist.

Speaking of labor unions, their myopia is enough to make one weep; most of them have shunned the only candidate (Bernie) who would stand for them. Endorsing somebody who already won is a worthless proposition. Endorsements that count and are never forgotten are those that happen during the contest, when there is risk in them.

If Clinton becomes the nominee, the unions will sheepishly line up to endorse her, she will accept the endosements with her plastic smile, and go on to thrown them under the bus at the first moment it is expedient.

Elizabeth Warren has missed a historic opportunity – so far – to participate in this battle for the soul of the Democratic Party. Well, too bad for her because sitting by the sidelines is the direct path toward irrelevancy and oblivion. Ideologically she seems akin to Bernie but has decided not to help him while it can have an impact.

I hope Bernie does well today. His campaign is a historic opportunity that won’t repeat itself. He is an extraordinary man, above all for his decency and integrity. I am proud of supporting him.

Super Tuesday and Beyond

South Carolina was a debacle but it was expected. I am hopeful that Bernie will do well on March 1 and if so I believe we should fight on, all the way to the Democratic convention.

But in the event the outcome on March 1 does not support a realistic prolongation of the campaign, I very strongly believe that Bernie and the grassroots organization his campaign has built should move on to achieve permanency, to create a new political party; a Liberal Party of the United States.

Funds remainign with the Bernie 2016 campaign should be put toward this goal, if election contribution law allows it.

I believe this party should establish a very clearly defined ideological platform in order to prevent the highjacking of the party by pseudo Liberals. The new Liberal Party should also concentrate on forming a legion of cadres, running for public office at local levels, building up a solid foundation aiming at the future. This is a Marathon; not the 100 meter sprint. This is the great challenge for the younger generations: Takaing back our country and reclaiming their future.

The votes so far have showed that the baby boomers have for the most part stuck with Hillary. That is in my opinion very selfish; the last display of selfishness of the generation that brought us Reagan and all the misery that followed. The votes have also showed the racial split; Blacks are predominantly supporting the candidates of their race or those supported by Obama, regardless of the merits of the positions they (the candidates) adopt. I call that visual alignment (versus intellectual alignment that most voters follow).

Millenials: it is time to move on and reach for your future

The strict ideological platform is a must in light of what has happened to the Democratic Party. The DM has been hollowed by the pseudo Democrats; hollowed of ideas and raison d’etre (other that keeping the Republicans out of office). More and more states and local governments have fallen under Republican control because the Democratic Party has lost its identity. Both Clinton and Obama did incalculable harm to the Democratic cause.

What is Wrong with Black Voters?

Regardless how much we Bernie Sanders supporters shrug it, Nevada is an important loss. But Hillary R. Clinton is a stooge of Wall Street, same as Obama is. What did president Obama do for blacks? Nothing. Sure Obama is one of them. So where the African warriors who would hunt and sell other Africans to slavers for pots, cheap ornaments, and guns in western Africa during the XVIII and XIX centuries.

Bernie Sanders has spent most of his life fighting for Civil Rights. This was in 1963: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bernie-sanders-arrested-protesting-segregation-video-photo_us_56c8a824e4b0ec6725e2d238?utm_hp_ref=politics

76% of Blacks voted against Bernie in Nevada last night. They just shot themselves in the foot.

Oh stupidity!

Pseudo democrats, such as the Clintons and Obama, are destroying the Democratic Party; just look as how much the percentage of states in the nation governed by democrats has plummeted during the last 25 years. The soul of the Democratic Party has been corrupted. Obama in particular was toxic: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/democratic-primary-wall-street-obama_us_56be05eee4b0c3c55050f053

A vote for Clinton is a vote for War

Hillary R. Clinton ran the US State Department from 2009 through 2013, overseeing the Grand Debacle in the Middle East and the collapse of US diplomacy into the trap of demanding Syria’s Assad departure or else.

It is in foreign relations that she claims her greater advantage over Bernie Sanders but Clinton still embraces the old Cold War Russophobia, this at a time when the US and Russia must work together t manage the multiple crisis points.

Of course, everybody knows she supported H.W. Bush with her vote for war against Iraq in the U.S. Senate in 2003. Much sorrow has come from that vote.

One senator is standing tall

“The Republicans have been absolutely determined to make certain that the rich and large corporations not contribute one penny for deficit reduction, and that all of the sacrifice comes from the middle class and working families in terms of cuts in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, LIHEAP, community health centers, education, Head Start, nutrition, MILC, affordable housing and many other vitally important programs.

“I cannot support legislation like the Reid proposal which balances the budget on the backs of struggling Americans while not requiring one penny of sacrifice from the wealthiest people in our country. That is not only grotesquely immoral, it is bad economic policy.”

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders